Adult Outpatient Medication Management

Tele Appoinments, 

Same Day Follow up appointments, 

Appointments with in 24-48 hours

Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, Insomnia, Mood Dysregulation, and more.

Explore the role of medication in managing your mental health/behavioral health issues.

Discover how our Nurse Practitioner collaborates with you to find the right balance of medication to alleviate symptoms and enhance your overall well-being.

set up  Autopay

one time/drop in rate

Fee needs to paid prior to appointment

Some ask why concierge? 

Well when working with adults I saw a need for the working adult to remain stable, they are missing work to make appoinments, or missing work because they cannot get in to see their mental health provider for a medication adjustment or refill. So these services are a hybrid between a traditional outpatient, urgent care, and telepsych practice. Looking to meet the needs of busy adults whe need stability but also need to remain working. 

why the Montly fee? 

The monthly fee allows me to keep the practice small and keep my availability high, so having direct access to ones provider when the patient needs them, and when they do not need them, their medications remain refilled from month to month without the risk of not having them and risking instability. 

The Overall GOAL of these services is to keep it simple and reduce barriers for patients to get care, so the concierge services are for patients that want to:

- establish care, medication management or Therapy, both are available

- maintain stability, min of 90 day appointments, and option for Monthly appointments

- Need medications refilled in a timely manner

- Have access to the provider with in 24/48 hours for medication adjustments if necessary

- have the flexibility of telepsych appointments that are flexible to thier work schedule. 

This allows patients to remain stable, get seen, and not miss work.